UBS's Dean Turner identifies three overaching factors at play: more global debt, less globalisation and greater digitalisation (FT, April 2020). One specific area of note is the forecasted impact of COVID-19 upon bank and regulated insurance balance sheets. This is a difficult area to predict, for one thing we do not know when the global lockdowns will be over and economic activity (however defined) resumes. Nonetheless, we know what we know, and we can spot some signals about future conditions.

Commercial banks are also assessing the damage. I was kinda shocked (but not really) at the scale of provisioning announced over the last two weeks. JPM, BOA and Wells all have announced circa 50% or more profit declines on the back of reserving. All banks globally are ramping up thier LLPs (not as a sign of confidence or income smoothing) but given their forward view of expected real losses with YOY changes of 300% on more and the ratio of LLPs to revenues jumping six times in the case of JP Morgan. The adoption of IFRS 9 contributes to this debate as well explained by Jonathan Ford in the FT on April 27th 2020. Perhaps COVID-19 will be a call to arms to re-consider the accounting of reserves as advocated in recent research by Abad & Suarez (2020) in Vox/CEPR.
Of course you say what matters is actual realised losses over time and the actual impact to capital - that is correct. That will take month or longer to know.
But we know what we know - and some will prepare better than others (for an interesting article about profiting from the crisis, check out Nick Paumgarten's article in the April 13th 2020 version of The New Yorker).
Time to prepare for rough seas... Godspeed to you all and stay healthy!
Photo Credit: The New Yorker March 2020 and the Mortgage Finance Gazette
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