Richard LeBlanc, a Canadian governance expert/educator and lawyer, has come out with his list of top trends in governance for 2015 in Canadian Lawyer magazine. LeBlanc sees a number of trends for the year ahead, including:
- true indepedence of directors, free of donations, perks etc,
- risk governance, including the board level approval of risk appetite frameworks,
- compensation governance, including clawback for risk management shortcomings and ethical failures,
- a disciplined focus on strategy at the board level,
- board deep dives, including independent checks over the board, risks, internal controls akin to financial audits.
You can find LeBlanc's piece at
- true indepedence of directors, free of donations, perks etc,
- risk governance, including the board level approval of risk appetite frameworks,
- compensation governance, including clawback for risk management shortcomings and ethical failures,
- a disciplined focus on strategy at the board level,
- board deep dives, including independent checks over the board, risks, internal controls akin to financial audits.
You can find LeBlanc's piece at
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