A useful piece of grey research has been published by Capco, the advisory and consultancy firm, and the Economist Intelligence Unit, entitled Change amidst uncertainty: how banks are adapting to the emerging regulatory landscape.
The piece underscores the entire process of "re-think" that banks are going through today, identifying both opportunities and threats, the nature of regulatory uncertainty making business decision making difficult, and the wake up call to bank boards and senior management.
The authors believe as do I that boards and management will be more accountable than ever before for the firm's decisions.
One interesting chart, Figure 16, identifies those business functions that survey participants felt they would need to potentially relocate, outsource, partly or completely, as GTS, client investment management, sales, corporate treasury, and marketing/communications with values of more than 60% each.
Check out this survey here: http://edmcouncil.org/downloads/MC_EIU.paper.pdf
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